Monday, November 9, 2009

Nutrition question of the day? by A. Bustos

Today I had an excellent question about eating after exercise. What do I need to be eating after I exercise my tail off at an Art of Strength session?

Thank you for the question. Now, on average a person has 30-45 minutes to replenish the nutrients that the body lost during a tough exercise session. If you are exercising and keeping your heart rate above normal, and you are challenging yourself this means a lot to you. There is a 2 to 1 ratio when dealing with a post exercise meal. You need to at least to take in 15-20 grams of protein with at least 25-40 grams of carbohydrates depending on weight and height. If you are limited on time and you do not know what to cook for dinner a great way to put the nutrients back into your system prior to an exercise session is to a post workout shake.

Since I work at Hendrick, and since I am a huge believer in post workout shakes, I highly recommend trying the shakes. Some are high in calories and some are not. The shake crew make them to your liking and plus they have nutritional guidance on them all. There are also protein and carbohydrate shakes that are sold their also. I am not trying to get very technical with a post workout meal because I do not want to confuse anyone. The easiest and a very beneficial way is to put something back into the system as quickly as possible. Drink a shake(it has the ratio that the body needs to replenish), or try a protein shake in cooler.

Remember if you wait longer than 45 minutes to replenish the body of what it lost, your body will find somewhere else to get the energy that it needs to give you energy. For example, it will eat away at your muscles. So if you are a runner and you run for long periods of time, and seems that you are unable to put on muscle, it is because you have ran out of fatty tissue to burn. Your body now has turned to its muscle to burn. That is the reason that there are not "heavy" competitive long distance runners. These guys are very lean and practically made of bones.

Do not wait until you are starving because if your goals are to lose weight, you will pig out on everything in site. You must keep the body feed with small meals or snacks throughout the day so the body feels full and satisfied. Remember if you want the best results you must feed the body high nutritional valued food. Be good to yourself, if you feel guilty eating, then DON'T DO IT.

Thank you for your questions.

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