I talk a lot about the benefit of doing AOS. I did some research and I came across a old picture. I tell everyone that this type of training has been around for many years. But our society has changed so much, we forget what truly got us strong. I know that we see a lot of strong men on tv that are the size of a mountain. Yes, these guys are very large men that are strong. But what did the first strong men look like. Why are there still strong men exercise lift records that have not been broken in over 80 years? What did a strong man look like? What type of lifts did they do. Well here is a picture that sums up what we are trying to do at Hendrick. I am not trying to make you a strongman, but rather I am trying to help people to continue to move and have fun doing it. Just think of the amount of low back injuries that people might of had compared to people of today. I guarantee that the numbers are not even close. Why were the early people of the 20th century not geared to be injured like today. Well, because people knew how to move with weight. They were not training sitting down on machines. They were moving the body the way it was suppose to. You were meant to move in different planes of movement. No matter what age, gender, talent level, athletic ability, it does not matter you can exercise with passion. Why do the samething over and over and over again, like the treadmill for years and years, and stay the same? Why? Why not do something fun and challenging that takes less time to reach goals? Why not? Man, I'm all for the fun route. Anyways, check out the photo it sums it all up, WHY NOT?
Yeah the weight that Arthur Saxon(on the left) is moving is not pink or colorful, but he is moving it with passion. There is a purpose. In his left hand, behold, the Kettlebell, yes people it is safe and has been here for years. People get hurt when they do not know what they are doing. They do get hurt or injured when they workout hard for one day, and there last exercise session was 15 years ago. Yes, people be safe and effective. Be efficient with a purpose.
Oh by the way, Arthur Saxon is most well-known for the bent press(above right) with which he set a world record of 370 lbs. Yes this record was set in the early 20th century, and still has not been broken. Look at the guy, small, lean and mean, but strong as ever. Just think no man has even got close. Wow! This type of training that is being implented in the Art of Strength is like no other. It is safe and effective, why not be the best you so that you can take on the world.